Meet the Owner

The Quest for Exceptional Eyecare

The Beginning of a Unique Journey
Welcome to Armitage Opticians, where your vision and style are our passion. I’m Sohail Khan, the founder and driving force behind our unique approach to eyecare. My journey began in the sea of sameness offered by chain opticians, where impersonal service and generic styles were the norms. I knew there had to be more – a place where eyecare is centred around you, personalised, and exceptional.

From Discontent to Discovery
Frustrated with the cold, impersonal advice and the same old styles, I embarked on a quest. It wasn’t just about breaking away from the average; it was about redefining eyecare itself. My mission was clear: to create a space where every individual could see better, look better, and feel genuinely cared for.

The Road to Expertise: More Than an Optometrist

This journey wasn’t easy. It required not just learning but unlearning – shedding the conventional wisdom of the industry to embrace a more holistic, client-centered approach. Through trials, errors, and countless experiences, I transformed from a regular optometrist into an advocate for extraordinary, personalized eyecare.

Introducing a New Vision for Eyewear

 At Armitage Opticians, we don’t just offer eyewear; we curate unique, stylish pieces that reflect your individuality. It’s about more than helping you see better; it’s about helping you express who you are with confidence. Our collection is a testament to this vision – exclusive, diverse, and as unique as you are.

The Epiphany: Eyecare Tailored to Your Life

My turning point was realising that true eyecare isn’t just about the right prescription; it’s about understanding your lifestyle, your preferences, and your story. This epiphany led to a complete overhaul of how we approach eyecare, focusing on bespoke solutions that enhance both your vision and your personal style.

Join Us on This Transformative Journey

I invite you to experience the difference at Armitage Opticians. Here, you’re not just a client; you’re a valued member of our community. Whether it’s finding the perfect frames, getting an accurate prescription, or simply enjoying a conversation about your eyecare needs, we’re here for you.

Welcome to a place where eyecare is reimagined – welcome to Armitage Opticians, where every visit is a step into a world crafted just for you.


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